Category Archives: Collaboration

Cross Functional Collaboration Made Simple

Posted on by Akash

Cross-team communication can be a challenge. Advertising agencies and design studios have a unique internal dynamic that not many others businesses experience. If you work in a typical professional business, for example, let’s say an accounting firm, most everyone around you will be an accounting professional and then perhaps some administrative and business services staff […]

Clarity in Communication

Posted on by Akash

We live in an era of communication. You can travel the world and communicate instantly with family, friends, and colleagues back home. Internet connectivity across the world has improved, (almost) every cafe these days has WIFI and the abilities of our technology, as well as our range of options, are increasing by the day. So […]

Creating Successful Collaboration in the Workplace

Posted on by Akash

Successful collaboration in the workplace is the cornerstone of every business. Particularly if you’re in the design or creative industries, delivering work for clients; there is usually more than one cog to make up the wheel. Even if you are a sole trader, it is impossible to avoid working with other people. Whether your “team” […]

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