Heycollab Kanban style visual boards helps development teams visualize the work flowing through their Scrum, Scrumban, waterfall, or other hybrid proc...
If there’s one thing most college or high school students can agree on, it’s this: Team projects and group work is rarely fun. Sure, the idea of getti...
When you want to seamlessly manage a big team (or just a remote team), it can often result in a headache. This is where good collaboration software us...
Using innovative software can make one’s project management plan go much smoother. Task management apps can make it easier to organize information, co...
Heycollab makes managing the feedback cycle on a project a breeze. To add feedback to an image in Heycollab follow these steps: 1. In the messaging se...
In today’s era of flexible work, teams need a reliable communication tool. Among other tools on the market, Slack, Trello, InVision and Dropbox are th...
For educational purposes, this Heycollab Kanban board is a better alternative to physical boards that teachers nowadays use in classrooms. Here, teach...
We're excited about Collision Tech Conference as Heycollab will be exhibiting as a beta. To get us ready we've put together a promo video. Try heycoll...
Improve your Sales cycle and start tracking your leads with this Heycollab Kanban board sample. In this example, you can see all your leads in a singl...