Organization is the key to successful education. That has always been true, but it’s even more relevant today, when more and more students attend classes from the comfort of their living rooms.
If you’re an educator or a teacher who now has to prepare digital lessons, stay tuned.
In this article, we’re going to show you how heycollab helps coordinate your digital classroom, and how both you and your students can use it.
Let’s take a look!
heycollab for Educators: Managing Digital Classrooms
There are 4 crucial elements to remote education:
- How to Organize Your Digital Classroom
In order to successfully teach online, you need to organize your lessons, as well as takeaways and subsequent homework.
With heycollab, your students can review your lessons, remind themselves of homework they may have forgotten, and even revise.
Since heycollab allows you to add your files directly to tasks, your students can easily revise the materials at home. This makes digital learning even more powerful than traditional, in-person learning.
The solution?
It’s really simple to create a task board with all the important information.
You can divide lessons into columns, and create task cards for parts of lessons, homework, and more.
If you need to upload materials, simply click on the task card (for example, the “Grammar” task card from the image below) and select the “Add attachments” icon:
From there, your students will be able to download the required materials, revise, and successfully keep up with the curriculum.
If you or your students have any comments, you can add them in the “Comments” section.
But there’s a much better way to communicate with heycollab…
- How to Communicate with Students in a Digital Classroom
A lot of educators and their students are using apps like Zoom and WhatsApp to communicate. However, there’s no way to organize conversations with standard instant messengers.
Plus, Zoom is okay for videoconferencing, but it’s hard to communicate constructively without going off-topic.
On the other hand, if you use heycollab, you’ll be able to stay in touch with your students and share knowledge easily within the team chat:
Simply navigate to the sidebar on the left, and click the message icon in the “Public” channel. From there, you’ll be able to talk to your students.
You can even add files.
At the same time, everyone will be able to review their tasks on the right-hand sidebar.
This allows you to steer the conversation forward, while giving constructive feedback and staying in touch with your students.
If you need to find an important conversation, you can easily go through the messages. This can be pretty handy for revision.
For example, you can find frequently asked questions, and create a file with answers, or tell your students where to find the relevant lessons.
Your students can also upload their homework by attaching files directly to their messages.
You can communicate with the entire class, or start a private conversation. This is great for giving 1-on-1 feedback to students who may need your help.
Don’t forget: communication is a vital part of the classroom experience.
You want your students to be able to pose questions, and talk to you when they need clarification.
Heycollab focuses on communication. And since your students can pose questions at the same time in the chat, you can offer feedback at scale.
This not only makes heycollab equal to physical classrooms, but even better when it comes to knowledge sharing!
- How to Collaborate with Students when Teaching Online
heycollab helps you take your collaboration to the next level.
If you liked pairing up students for group assignments, you can still do it if you use heycollab. Since all of your files are stored in the Media Hub – heycollab’s online storage, your students can easily access them.
And what’s even better – they can add their comments directly to files!
You and your students simply have to navigate to the left sidebar, choose the Media Hub icon, and you’ll be directed to the storage.
From there, pick the file you want to review, open it, and click on the places where you want to leave comments.
This is really useful for giving visual feedback.
Once you’ve left your comments, you can attach the files to messages, tasks, and collaborate with your class.
For example, maybe you want to bring up someone’s homework if it’s a great example of what you had in mind. Simply attach their doc to your message, and point out the most important parts.
- Keep Track of Students’ Progress
If you want to make sure your students are performing, you can set up a task board for every class you have to teach:
For example, this task board is perfect for keeping track of daily tasks.
However, it’s easy to modify it to include students’ grades and performance.
You can add that information in the comments, as well as add their homework, and create a file for every student.
You don’t have to be in the same room to show that you care!
heycollab for Students: The Perks of Remote Education
If you’ve always thought that traditional education wasn’t engaging, now is your time to shine!
If your class starts using heycollab for education, you’ll be able to:
- Create simple task boards and organize your schedule
- Stay in touch with your peers even if you can’t meet
- Communicate with your teachers
- Review lessons
- Improve your performance
Since digital tools like heycollab allow educators to upload their files and videos, you can revise easily, and make sure you don’t miss a thing.