Approximately five percent of Americans currently work from home. That works out to about eight million people. That number is expected to grow in the future, too.
Working from home provides a lot of benefits to workers and their employers. However, it does present unique challenges, especially when it comes to productivity.
If you’ve been having a hard time staying on task while working from home, keep reading. Listed below are some effective productivity hacks you can try today.
Dress for Work
Often, when people first start working from home, they have visions of themselves hanging out in the pajamas or answering emails in their sweatpants. Some people love to stay comfortable while they work remotely. For many, though, they find that it actually hinders their productivity.
Instead of making comfort your top priority, try getting dressed every day like you would if you were going to a job in an office. You don’t necessarily have to put on a suit, but wearing pants that don’t have an elastic waistband and a nice shirt can make a big difference.
This helps you get your mind in the right place to tackle your to-do list, and you’ll be less likely to try and sneak away for a mid-day nap.
Stick to a Schedule

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you have all the time in the world to get things done when you work from. More often than not, this line of thought leads to people staying up all night to finish projects because they slacked off during the day.
To avoid this, set a schedule for yourself and stick to it the same way you would if you worked in a traditional setting.
Make sure everyone in your life respects your schedule, too. Be clear about when you work so that people don’t think you’re available at any time to hang out with them or help them with projects. Consider muting your phone during work hours, too, so you can’t be distracted.
Take Breaks

When you’re creating a schedule for yourself, don’t forget to schedule a time for breaks.
When you work from home, you may find yourself working all the time and answering emails or taking calls when you eat lunch. Be sure to give yourself time away from work, though.
Take true breaks so that your brain can recharge and you can go back to your desk feeling refreshed.
Designate a Workspace
As tempting as it might be to work from the couch on a daily basis, try to resist the urge. Create a designated workspace for yourself so you can get into the right and feel more productive throughout the day.
If you don’t have a spare room to use as an office, at least set up a desk in a corner of the living room or bedroom so you have space meant just for work.
Maintain Home-Work Boundaries
When you work from home, you might find yourself getting distracted by home-related projects that need to be completed, such as a pile of laundry you need to fold or a broken appliance you need to fix.
Set boundaries for yourself, though, and don’t work on home-related projects during work hours. Stick to your schedule and make plans to tackle those tasks outside of your office hours.
Get Fresh Air and Exercise
There’s a ton of research out there showing the benefits of exercise when it comes to productivity. Schedule time to move each day so you can keep your creative juices flowing and stay focused while at work.
If possible, arrange for your daily exercise to take place outdoors. Then, you get the added bonus of fresh air and a new environment, which can help you feel even better when it’s time to start tackling your to-dos.
Get Enough Natural Light
In addition to spending some time outdoors each day, try to expose yourself to some natural light while you’re working as well.
This will help you stay more alert, increase your energy levels (without the need for tons of extra caffeine throughout the day), and it’ll minimize eye strain from your computer or smartphone.
Consider setting up your desk near a window to increase your natural light exposure. If natural light is limited (for example, if you live on the bottom floor of an apartment complex), consider purchasing a lamp specially designed to mimic the sun’s rays.
Venture Out of the House
It’s good to have a home base when you work from home. However, it’s okay to venture out of the house from time to time, too.
Working from a coffee shop, library, or co-working space can help you to break out a rut and feel refreshed. Just make sure you don’t choose a location that’ll end up being more distracting for you.
Use Lists and Workflow Management Software
Finally, get in the habit of creating to-do lists for yourself. Every day, make a list of what you need to accomplish and give yourself specific deadlines for when each task needs to be completed.
Make sure you’re using tools that help you manage your projects and stay in touch with your team, too.
Whether everyone works remotely or they’re all back at the office while you work from home, the right project management software will have a huge impact on your ability to collaborate and ensure everything’s getting things done on time and in the correct way.
Heycollab is a great option to try if you want to communicate, collaborate, measure progress, and share documents with ease.
Be More Productive While Working from Home
As you can see, there are lots of steps you can take to get more done when you work from home.
Keep these tips in mind, especially those regarding workflow management software and finding a good teamwork tool, you’ll have no trouble staying on task and enjoying all the other benefits that come with working out of a home office.
If you’re ready to be more productive during the workday, be sure to check out Heycollab today. It’s the perfect project management software to keep yourself and your teammates on task.