From Chaos to Clarity: How Colgate Streamlined Operations with Heycollab

Colgate-Palmolive, a global leader in consumer products, is renowned for its commitment to innovation across its vast product portfolio, which includes oral care, personal care, home care, and pet nutrition. However, as the company expanded and sought to remain at the cutting edge of design and product development, it encountered challenges that many large organizations face: tool overload and inefficiency in managing complex projects across various departments.

The Challenge: Tool Overload in a Fast-Paced Innovation Environment

Colgate-Palmolive‘s Global Design team, which oversees the product experience across multiple categories, was struggling with a fragmented toolset. With the company focusing on “design-led innovation,” where user experience and design are integral from the start, the need for a unified project management solution became critical. Teams were juggling various platforms for communication, file storage, task management, and collaboration, which led to inefficiencies, missed deadlines, and an overall disjointed workflow.

The innovation teams, now empowered with more autonomy, were expected to deliver breakthrough products that aligned with Colgate-Palmolive’s sustainability goals and market needs. However, the scattered nature of their tools made it challenging to maintain the required level of collaboration and coordination across projects​.

The Turning Point: Consolidating Tools for Maximum Efficiency

Recognizing the need for a more cohesive approach, Colgate-Palmolive‘s design team sought the best project management tool that could consolidate their operations, streamline workflows, and enhance collaboration across the board. After a thorough evaluation, they chose Heycollab as their all-in-one solution.

The Solution: Heycollab’s Integrated Platform for Design-Led Innovation

Heycollab provided Colgate-Palmolive with an integrated platform that replaced the multitude of tools previously used by their design teams. With Heycollab, everything from task management to communication, file storage, and even video conferencing could be handled within a single platform. This integration was essential for aligning the company’s ambitious innovation goals with its operational processes.

Simplifying Task Management

One of the most significant benefits Heycollab brought to Colgate-Palmolive was the centralization of task management. Previously, tasks were scattered across different platforms, making it difficult for teams to track progress or collaborate effectively. With Heycollab, the design team could manage all tasks within one platform, ensuring that everyone stayed on the same page. Custom fields, labels, and deadlines helped streamline projects, allowing for faster iterations and better alignment with market trends​Enhancing Collaboration Across Teams.

Colgate-Palmolive’s shift to design-led innovation meant that cross-functional collaboration was more critical than ever. Heycollab’s real-time chat and video features allowed teams to communicate instantly, transforming ideas into actionable tasks without leaving the platform. This seamless integration of communication tools reduced the time spent switching between apps and ensured that all discussions were linked to the relevant tasks​Efficient File Management and Documentation

Managing large volumes of design files and product documentation was another area where Heycollab proved invaluable. The platform’s built-in file storage allowed Colgate-Palmolive’s design teams to organize and access files quickly, share them across departments, and maintain version control with ease. Unlimited storage meant that even the largest projects could be managed without worrying about space constraints​.

Integrated Time Tracking

To maintain their competitive edge, Colgate-Palmolive needed to track project timelines and resource allocation accurately. Heycollab’s integrated time tracking enabled project managers to monitor the time spent on each task, assess productivity, and ensure projects stayed on schedule. This feature was crucial in helping Colgate-Palmolive deliver innovative products to market on time​.

The Impact: Streamlined Processes and Accelerated Innovation

By adopting Heycollab, Colgate-Palmolive significantly improved its operational efficiency. The company was able to reduce the number of tools it relied on, lowering costs while increasing productivity. Projects that once suffered from delays and miscommunication were now completed on time and within budget. This transformation allowed Colgate-Palmolive to focus on what it does best: creating products that enhance the lives of consumers worldwide.

The shift to a single, integrated platform also empowered Colgate-Palmolive to advance its design-led innovation strategy. With streamlined processes and improved collaboration, the company could innovate more effectively, launching products that met evolving consumer needs and sustainability goals​.

Lessons Learned: The Value of the Best Project Management Tool

Colgate-Palmolive’s experience highlights a critical lesson for any large organization: tool overload can hinder even the most innovative teams. By consolidating their tools with Heycollab, Colgate-Palmolive not only improved efficiency but also unlocked the full potential of its design and innovation capabilities.

If your organization is facing similar challenges, it’s time to reconsider your toolset. The best project management tool isn’t just about having all the features—it’s about bringing everything together in a way that drives success.

Your Next Step: Experience Heycollab for Yourself

Colgate-Palmolive transformed their design-led innovation process with Heycollab, and your organization can do the same. Don’t let tool overload slow you down. Whether you’re managing a global design team or a local project, Heycollab has the tools you need to streamline your processes, reduce operational costs, and drive innovation.

Book a free consultation or demo today and discover how Heycollab can be the best project management tool for your business. Let’s work together to accelerate your innovation and operational success.


In conclusion, Colgate-Palmolive’s journey is a powerful example of how the right tools can transform a company’s approach to innovation. With Heycollab, Colgate-Palmolive didn’t just streamline its processes; it empowered its teams to achieve greater things. Ready to see how the best project management tool can revolutionize your workflow? Let’s get started.

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