Feature-rich docs are the building blocks of great work

Rich text formatting

Create innovative docs with insightful features

Use integrated tools to create new docs and fully customize with text, tables, colors and more to create beautiful documents that share your ideas.

Add links and bookmarks to make your doc a one-stop source for team communication.

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Real-time collaboration on docs

Collaborate in real-time to shape progress

Access document creation in project management tool, to bring the whole  team together.

Multiple people can edit at once to streamline revisions. Managers can add docs directly to task comments and mention users for real-time coordination.

Convert text into trackable tasks, assign action items, and tag others in comments to maximize the document’s impact. 


Share docs across Heycollab

Share with confidence

Expect full document flexibility—attach to messages, organize in folders, attach to tasks, subtasks or even task comments. 

Easily and securely share documents outside of workspaces as needed, with privacy and permissions intact.

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Organize docs in folders and sections

Stay organized

for top results

Each workspace offers incredible document storage with folders, sections and subsections to build the customized space to keep docs handy.

Categorize for search-ability and be confident that you will get to what you need, whenever you need it.

Full document integration

Keep docs in-app and access with ease

With full document integration project management capability, you can duplicate, copy, move and rename documents directly in the platform.

There’s no longer a need for external tools like DropBox or Word. Get everything you need under one app.

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Advanced security

Give your team an efficiency edge

Heycollab documents equip teams to effectively communicate and reach goals faster, literally keeping everyone on the same page. 

Savvy teams enjoy an efficiency overhaul, experiencing accelerated action plans and fine-tuned communication. 

Work takes work, but work doesn’t always have to be hard. It can be smart, savvy and streamlined with Heycollab docs on board.


more features

Get more to-dos to DONE with our easy & affordable project management app that streamlines every facet of work.


Heycollab is transforming teams: Our users share their experiences of increased efficiency and streamlined collaboration, all thanks to our integrated suite of productivity tools.

Heycollab equips teams with better documents to amplify success

See how Heycollab helps teams achieve success.

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At Heycollab, our goal is to deliver the best customer support in the software industry.




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